Jan 1, 2024 | Dry Eye, Eye Health Info
Are your eyes constantly itchy and irritated? Itchy eyes are a common issue, but they can interfere with your daily routine if they persist. The first step to finding relief is figuring out what’s causing it. Whether it’s seasonal allergies or a recurring...
Aug 1, 2023 | Children's Eye Care, Eye Health Info
As the new school year approaches, parents are busy with back-to-school preparations. While shopping for supplies and organizing schedules are important, one essential task that should not be overlooked is scheduling a back-to-school eye exam for your child. In this...
Jun 1, 2023 | Eye Health Info
Are you experiencing blurred or distorted vision? It could be a sign of astigmatism, a common eye condition that affects people of all ages. In this blog post, we’ll share the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for astigmatism. Causes of astigmatism...
May 3, 2023 | Eye Health Info
As the weather warms up and flowers begin to bloom, it’s easy to feel a sense of renewal and happiness. However, for those of us who suffer from seasonal allergies, spring can be a bit of a mixed blessing. In this blog, we’ll share how spring allergies affect...
Oct 25, 2022 | Eye Health Info
You may notice while looking at a bright screen or a beautiful blue sky that there are tiny spots or lines in your field of vision. They may be small, dark, and almost transparent, or they may be larger and cloudier. These spots or lines are known as eye...